Transitioning to green energy

KMS Technologies is transitioning to green energy!

from Geothermal (our classic area) - ZERO foot-print hydrocarbon recovery (EOR +), hydrogen production, to critical minerals


In support of this KMS spawn a group called Energy Transition International Inc. who are tasked with commercializing KMS product/services.

Since 20 years, KMS is involved in the Geothermal industry with services and hardware sales. We have our system used in more than 30 countries.

We use electromagnetics (Magnetotellurics and CSEM) for exploration and production monitoring. In combination with seismic they can also be used for induced seismicity monitoring.

For hydrocarbons, we focus on reducing carbon foot print per barrel produced by improving the recovery factor by 30-50 through imaging the fluid movement in the reservoir. This is know and Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).

Early in 2021, we finished the world's largest land CSEM survey for carbon sequestration monitoring - imaging we we inject CO2. This will be another large future application.

Combining EOR and carbon sequestration is known as EOR+ and can bring an asset to ZERO carbon foot print.

Please contact us ( for more information or see our presentations/publications.